I've been on a mission in looking for curtains for my Sweetheart Kitchen for over 2 months.
I tried WalMart, Target, and any and all stores in the area
and could find nothing that really spoke to me and that I had to have.
I finally did find something at Anna's Linens and it would have cost me over
300 bucks for the three windows in the kitchen alone!
Wayyyyy too much money for me to spend and besides I LOVE a good challenge.
I knew patience would play out and my windows have had no curtains on them for a while,
I am an avid thrift store shopper and when I saw these white cotton curtains with
pineapple lace my heart started beating fast.
They were so new and I don't think they were ever used.
They still felt like they had the sizing on them that comes on them when they come
off the bolt and are sewed.
When I got them home I threw them in the wash
and they still looked
great with very little wrinkle.
I just had to lightly press them.
(click on photos for a larger view!)
The best thing about them? Well, really 2 things!
Okay~ 3 things!
I love them!
They only cost 6 bucks!
I am completely satisfied with them and how they look in comparison~
even to the curtains that I 'could' have got at the expensive price tag!
I am so glad patience won out and that my windows have been bare!
I really wanted to stay true to the 'feel' of the home and the era that it portrays and these really do!
I love my new Curtains!
Next, we're looking for new venetian blinds in white or cream.
We've been all over the place looking for the correct measurements and can't find them.
We're trying to buy store bought and not custom made to save some money.