My husband and I had the opportunity to visit with a sweet lady who so kindly invited us into her living room to sit and talk.
She has macular degeneration and her vision is quickly growing very dim. She has been housebound and is unable to work. She is quickly losing her ability to do things independantly and has basically shut herself off from the outside world. Her husband was a pastor and had passed away 2 years earlier. She told us of their last conversation and how they held hands for the last time that very day. A short while later he went to take his daily shower and she found him in a praying position with the water running over his body in the shower. He had already gone to be with the Lord.
She mentioned to me how that, because of her situation she doesn't feel that she has a ministry anymore. Oh how my heart broke for her! I encouraged her that she DOES have a ministry and God can use her in her situation! Life has a way of throwing curve balls at us!
Sometimes it's messy and very uncomfortable!
And did I mention that it HURTS??? Oh yes it hurts!
Our ministry capacity might not be what we've desired and had in times past,
but God has a ministry for each and person.
Right now.
At this moment where we are at. In the middle of the pain, the hurt and the suffering.
All of this~ God can use!
The best person to help a hurting person is one who has been hurt.
If you are breathing God has a purpose for you~ to use you. To touch, strengthen and encourage those around you from what you have been through.
Your life can touch others in ways unimaginable!
In the church world there is this notion that only people who are serving in a large capacity are ministering.
It's the false premise that ministering is only done by pastor's, pastor's wives, evangelists, speakers and writers and... It's NOT true!
Ministering is believers in action! You!
If you are a Christian, you are living, breathing, walking and sharing a testimony of the Grace of God!
Pray for friends.
Read the Bible with them.
Befriend them.
Bring someone food.
Help a hurting family.
Bring a sick person soup.
Visit a shut in.
But the most important way to minister is to love.
Only you can touch people in significant ways because you are an instrument (and minister) for Him!
In what ways can we be God's hands and feet and reach out to others?
Let your lifesong sing~